How to Choose the Right Machine Skates

Looking to upgrade your hauling capacities? Then it’s time to upgrade your machine skates, which give mobility to your heaviest loads.

Choosing between different skate options is often tricky. There are different kinds of skates for different objects with different weights, not to mention factors like skate abilities.

Luckily, we’re here to help. With the right info, you’ll be using the proper machine skates in no time. Here’s what you need to know:

Know the Weight That Will Be Carried

The biggest factor that separates different machine skates from one another is the weight of the haul you need to carry. Models of a wide variety of different weight classes exist. That’s why it’s essential for you to know how much your load weighs. Depending on exactly what you’re moving, there are several ways you can measure weight.

If you’re not sure how much a machine weighs, check with the manufacturer. It’s their duty to have that kind of information on hand.

In the event that you’re transporting varying quantities of small packages, then come up with the maximum amount of objects you might be carrying at once. Then, calculate the weight. Once you have the weight idea down pat, you can move onto the process of looking for different models.

Have an Idea of Different Models

Of course, it would be ideal if you could quickly learn about every kind of machine skate that exists. That way, you would be able to pick your right choice without thinking too much. Unfortunately, these machines do require a level of technical knowledge that is difficult to absorb very quickly. But, it’s still important that you have a general idea of the kind of models that are offered to you.

Check out the skates we have. Of course, they’re broken down by the different weights each model can handle. But, there are additional ways that they can be categorized as well.

For instance, the movement of each skate is also up to choice. Think about the kind of movement you’ll be making with the machine skate. Are straight lines all you need, or do you need turns? Circular motions are also available, depending on if that serves a purpose in your space or not. It all depends on what you’re looking for.

And, of course, it also depends on whom you get your machine skate from.

Pick the Right Machine Skate Supplier

Eventually, the inevitable move for you is to reach out to a qualified supplier. We offer a case that’s hard to beat: Our machine skates are second to none, and we offer outstanding customer service.

We can assess your situation and talk you through what skate is best for your situation. Plus, we can help talk you through how to use the skate, including safety precautions.

Get in Contact for Quality Machine Skates

Interested in learning more about skates or purchasing skates for your business? Hevi-Haul Skates have been trusted by professionals for over 80 years. Contact our team today to get started.